The Grass Withers

In a typical summer, I have to mow the lawn once or twice a week just to keep it manageable. When we moved into the house we currently live in, I was excited that the yard wasn’t very big and it shouldn’t take an overwhelming amount of time to mow with our little push mower. However, we needed to get something to trim the edges and tidy up our lawn, so we bought a weed-eater and were excited to open the box and use it. Surprisingly, though, it’s still sitting in the box. And we’ve only mowed the lawn once this summer - well over a month ago. In fact, instead of growing incessantly, the grass has stayed the same height and begun to whither and turn brown. Why the change? It’s simple, really. We have had hardly any rain! This week a few storms have come through, giving us a smattering of rain drops in the afternoon, but still nothing that would help a lawn turn green and flourish. Not that I’m complaining - I’m not a huge fan of rain or mowing the lawn.

But as I look at the grass around our house, I’m reminded of how changeable everything around us is. The news is a constant reminder of the fragility of life and peace. And yet, there’s something that won’t ever change, no matter what the world around us does. God tells us through the prophet Isaiah, “The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever” (Isaiah 40:8). Isn’t it comforting to know that, in spite of the change and instability we encounter here on earth, that the word of God will never change?

Joel Sutherland

Pastor. Pilot. Husband. Child of God.

Cosmic Cliffs
